Tag: Home

6 Steps To Clean The Bedroom According To Experts

The bedroom is our rest area. It is important to clean it regularly as it can accumulate mites, dust and bacteria that can harm our respiratory health. That's why to clean the bedroom like a professional, improve the quality of sleep and make it as pleasant as the rest of the home. Here we are

How to Clean the Refrigerator Correctly to Avoid Bad Odors?

Eliminate bad odors from the refrigerator! In our refrigerator we not only keep meats, fruits, vegetables and drinks, we also usually keep meal preparations and often the leftovers that we have left from the day. All of these foods can generate bad odors, so in this blog we explain how to properly clean your refrigerator

Useful Tips For Cleaning The Bathroom

Purchasing mirrors for the bathroom is a creative way to improve the appearance of this area, but to make the room look truly impeccable, it is essential to know how to clean your bathroom effectively. To help you with this, below we present 6 tips and cleaning news that will help you keep this space

How To Keep Your Balcony Clean And Tidy

Keeping your balcony clean and tidy can be a complex task. Being exposed to constant dirt most of the time, cleaning these areas feels pointless. If you are constantly fighting with dirt most of the time, we invite you to apply these tipsIn this blog we will give you some tips and tricks that can

Tips To Always Have Your House Tidy

If after you get home from work you find the living room, kitchen, bedroom in a mess. Things thrown everywhere, dirty clothes out of the hamper, but ou don't feel like organizing anything. You would give anything to have the house tidy. Here we give you some simple and practical tricks to achieve it without

Kitchen a haven for germs

Think fast: What's the most germ-infested room in the house? If you guessed the bathroom, you're wrong. The kitchen earns the distinction, largely because of the sponges we use to clean our dishes and countertops. Sponges are excellent at absorbing and retaining liquid, which is great for cleaning kitchen surfaces and soaking up spills, but those

How To Clean Mattress The Right Way?

Of all the furnishings in a home, the mattress might just be the single most important fixture. It is certainly the most used item considering one-third of our lives are spent in bed and that is only for sleeping. What about the time spent reclining, reading, relaxing, catnapping? For health reasons alone, mattress maintenance is vital

Spring Cleaning Tips

Essentially, spring cleaning is about clearing out the things you no longer use, while at the same time doing a deep cleaning of the entire house. It’s a time to declutter, reorganize, and complete tasks that only need to be tackled once or twice a year. This all-out cleaning frenzy can take place any time of