Of all the furnishings in a home, the mattress might just be the single most important fixture. It is certainly the most used item considering one-third of our lives are spent in bed and that is only for sleeping. What about the time spent reclining, reading, relaxing, catnapping?

For health reasons alone, mattress maintenance is vital and one way to keep the mattress in good condition is to keep it clean. This article is going to show you some great tips for cleaning any type of mattress easily.

Vacuum your mattress

This is the easiest way for you to clean your mattress completely. You can use the best portable vacuum cleaner for vacuuming any impurities from your mattress completely. This vacuum cleaner can help you remove all unwanted materials, such as dirt, dust, microorganisms, insects, and many other products from your mattress completely. It is recommended for you to vacuum your mattress at least once a week, so you can keep your mattress as clean as possible. This tip is also useful for all people who are allergic to certain allergens, such as dust, pet dander, pollen, and other unwanted materials on your mattress.

Use enzyme cleaner

If you have some spots or stains on your mattress, you can consider using this simple tip. It is recommended for you to use enzyme cleaner for breaking down any stains on your mattress completely. This enzyme cleaner is very useful to help you lessen the appearance of any stains easily. This tip can be used to remove any types of stains that come from different substances, such as food, beverage, wine, and many other substances. This enzyme cleaner is usually available in many retailers, groceries, online stores, and many other places these days.

Use Lysol spray

When you want to remove any unwanted odors from your mattress, you can consider using this tip. There are several types of odors that may come from several sources, such as your pet, insects, bed bugs, and many other unwanted products. It is very easy for you to remove any unwanted odors from your mattress. You can simply use Lysol spray for removing any odors effectively. There are several types of sprays that you can find on the market easily. Therefore, you have to compare some available sprays for finding the best one for yourself.

Sprinkle baking soda

Now that you’ve gotten rid of all stains, it’s baking soda time. Pour a generous amount of it in a bowl and add some essential oil to remove unpleasant odors from the mattress. As you get the mixture ready, spread it on the mattress as evenly as you can.
Allow 30 minutes for the soda to sit and absorb all smells and break down acids. If you afford it, you can leave the mixture on the mattress for several hours. It will ensure even better cleaning. As time has passed, use a vacuum cleaner to suck all soda particles.

Place your mattress under the sunlight

If you want to clean your mattress completely, you should never forget about this simple tip. It is recommended for you to place your mattress under the sunlight, in order to maintain the quality of your mattress. Sunlight is very effective to kill any insects, bed bugs, microorganisms, mold, mildew, and other organisms from your mattress. If you have some family members who are allergic to certain animals, you can consider using this tip regularly. You can place your mattress under direct sunlight at least once every 3 – 6 months.

Apply alcohol to remove stains

This is another easy way that can help you keep your mattress as clean as possible. You can use alcohol for removing any unwanted stains from your mattress. Alcohol is very useful to absorb any unwanted substances and other chemical products from your mattress completely. You can use clean cloth for applying this alcohol to the affected area easily. Make sure that you rub the cloth with alcohol to the stains, in order to remove all stains from your mattress quickly. Using alcohol is very effective to help you get rid of any unwanted stains from your valuable asset effectively.

Cleaning your mattress should not be a complicated task to do. You can simply follow all of those tips above, so you can keep your mattress as clean as possible.