Author: Belizema Cleaning

How to Make Your Carpets Look BRAND NEW!

Spring is the quintessential time to spruce up your house. This means you’ll probably be knee-deep in scrubbers, scouring pads, brooms and sponges soon. While you’re making your home feel more like a glistening castle, don’t forget that your carpets took a beating this winter along with the rest of the house. Most carpet cleaning

Why you shouldn’t wash your dishes by hand

There's a common misconception that washing by hand is better for the environment, and even more hygienic than dishwashing — but neither is true. Here are five reasons why you should load up the dishwasher rather than wasting time and water washing dishes by hand. Dishwashers are less wasteful. Multiple studies have found that people overuse running

How to Clean Wooden Furniture at Home

Wood furniture adds a classy demeanor to any room. But it equally demands high care for their long lasting life and looks. By frequent dusting and cleaning can avoid the degrading of wood and keep them good. Dusting is very important for your wooden furniture. Removing the dust often will avoid airborne grime forming a filmy

How to Clean a Cat Litter Box

Cats are finicky creatures. If they aren't happy with the cleanliness of their litter box, they can quickly develop an aversion to it. This often leads to inappropriate urination, or urinating outside of the litter box. Here are some tips for good litter box hygiene. Scoop solid waste at least twice a day. Remove urine clumps and

Tips for Organizing Your Fridge

Fridge is the most important appliance in our kitchen and we just can’t imagine our life without it. Have you ever imagined what our life would be without a refrigerator? When we set up our kitchen for the first time, the first thing comes to our mind is to buy a refrigerator. We can store our

Kitchen a haven for germs

Think fast: What's the most germ-infested room in the house? If you guessed the bathroom, you're wrong. The kitchen earns the distinction, largely because of the sponges we use to clean our dishes and countertops. Sponges are excellent at absorbing and retaining liquid, which is great for cleaning kitchen surfaces and soaking up spills, but those

How To Clean Mattress The Right Way?

Of all the furnishings in a home, the mattress might just be the single most important fixture. It is certainly the most used item considering one-third of our lives are spent in bed and that is only for sleeping. What about the time spent reclining, reading, relaxing, catnapping? For health reasons alone, mattress maintenance is vital

Spring Cleaning Tips

Essentially, spring cleaning is about clearing out the things you no longer use, while at the same time doing a deep cleaning of the entire house. It’s a time to declutter, reorganize, and complete tasks that only need to be tackled once or twice a year. This all-out cleaning frenzy can take place any time of

Cleaning Gold Jewelry

We all know that special feeling we get when we put on a new piece of gold jewelry. The new ring, necklace or bracelet is shiny and all of our friends and coworkers notice how beautiful it is. But over time, under normal, everyday wearing conditions, gold can start to look a little dull and lifeless. Cleaning