Cleaning Your Room Is Important For Your Health
If you’ve been in a bit of a funk lately, look no further than your bedroom. If it’s a mess (no judgement, I’ve also left plates and water glasses on my nightstand for days), you should really clean it up.
According to a study published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, women who described their homes as cluttered and full of unfinished projects were also depressed, tired and more stressed out than those who described their homes as restorative and restful.
On top of that, a clean room helps you sleep better. And getting enough rest is crucial to your happiness. So while cleaning your room may feel like a huge task, your happiness is pretty damn important. Make it happen!
If your room is clean, you’re more likely to exercise. Say what?! Could there really be a correlation? The research is in, and there is most definitely is. A 2013 study kept track of the health of nearly 1,000 people between the ages of 49 and 65. The result? People with the cleanest houses were also the most likely to exercise. This is probably because people who keep their homes clean are more organized, and organized people are better at fitting in exercise.
Making your bed every morning creates feelings of accomplishment and positivity. For those of you who think making your bed takes up too much time, I beg to differ. It takes two minutes tops, and that’s if you have a lot of throw pillows. That two minutes of work in the morning will create feelings of positivity and accomplishment — It’s not even 8 am, and you’ve already gotten something done! — and ensure you sleep better at night. You might not think a made bed makes much of a difference in your sleep, but crawling into a crisp, clean bed at night is just about the most relaxing thing you can do. How excited are you to go home and clean your room right now?!